Rights body concerned over harassment of Zimbabweans, Business Day

FRANNY RABKIN: Until the moratorium is lifted on deportations, police officers are not allowed to arrest illegal Zimbabweans


Lawyers for Human Rights yesterday welcomed the government’s decision not to deport Zimbabweans until August 1 but was concerned about continued arrests and police harassment. The Department of Home Affairs has been saying there would be no deportations — whether or not Zimbabweans had applied for permits — until documenting had been finalised. The deadline for Zimbabweans applying for permits was December 31. Yesterday, the department confirmed that all the applications would be determined by June 30. Applicants then have 10 days to appeal if their applications are refused and until July 31 to pick up their permits.
To date 275762 applications have been received, 44824 approved and 10106 are under review. A total of 220832 are under adjudication, spokesman Ronnie Mamoepa said yesterday. But Lawyers for Human Rights’ Kaajal Ramjathan-Keogh said the message had not filtered down to police on the streets.  Zimbabweans — even those who had a receipt showing they had applied for permits — were still being arrested by police . The department should "formally communicate" its position on deportations to the police, she said. While there may have been communication "at a high level", it did not appear to have been "transmitted to police officers on the ground". Ms Ramjathan-Keogh said it was impossible to know how many Zimbabweans had been arrested . But in the first week of this month , 29 Zimbabweans were arrested and detained in Musina for immigration issues.
Home Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said in November: "If they have names of those being harassed, I will be happy to receive such information and discuss with the police."

Published: 2011/01/14 06:31:52 AM